Friday, 15 April 2011

What a class, what a term!

Thanks Room 5,

You have all worked really hard this term and learnt heaps.  Thanks for becoming determined learners and being open to new things.  Enjoy your break you deserve it and will need it.  Remember to keep learning and look after you parents.

Just to keep you thinking,

In a year, some months have 30 days, while some have 31. Guess, which month has 28 days? 

First student from Room 5 to comment with correct answer gets an extra easter egg.

That was too easy so here's another one! Same deal.

What goes up and down, but still remains in the same place?

See you next term.
Mr McKenzie

What have we learnt this term??

What have we learnt this term?... at

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Synonyms! Do you know what they are?

Have a go at this, then post your score as a comment!!!!

PDF of "POST IT" first think!

Students were asked to POST IT anything they knew or thought about the Process of making a product.  Each note is on small POST IT these were stuck on poster on wall, collected together and scanned.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Wednesday Maths with Mr Simons

Today you need to retry the adding activity we did yesterday.  I want to see that you have another 3 each, and then you can do at least 3 from the subtraction one.  Once you have done that, you need to ask Mr Simons for the sheets to some basic facts activities.  They are fun but remember to be determine learners and use them to learn.  They are new activities so if you really can’t work them out ask Mr Simons.  Enjoy you day! 

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Week ten websites

When using these in class time focus on activities that match what we are doing e.g. maths game in maths time.
Science Kids - Bringing Science & Technology Together

Educational Website For Kids

Remember these are the only sites to be used at breaks!